However Durov’s historical past with Paris lengthy precedes his arrest. The Telegram boss met with Macron in 2018, at a time when the French president was seeking to pitch France as a brand new high vacation spot for entrepreneurs, particularly within the tech sector. He was granted French citizenship by the president himself.
Bolgar stated she had been in a relationship with Durov between 2013 and 2022 — first in Russia, and later in a long-distance setting because the tech tycoon moved to the United Arab Emirates, the place recognizing their kids, born out of wedlock, proved troublesome. She then relocated to Europe together with her kids, she stated, however “maintained household relations” with Durov till 2022.
“In 2018, after we got here to Europe, we had the concept to settle in France,” Bolgar defined, including she had researched education for his or her three kids, obtained a residency allow within the fall of that yr, after which signed a rental settlement on a brand new dwelling for his or her household in November. Durov signed a French “notary-certified settlement” to pay for all of Bolgar’s rental charges, she stated.
Durov “hadn’t thought of to stay in that home” however supposed to go to Bolgar and their kids had they chosen to settle in France.
However Bolgar subsequently modified her thoughts and cancelled the settlement previous to transferring. She finally settled in Geneva however continued to fulfill up with Durov in Paris afterwards, vacationing in palaces within the middle of town, together with the Ritz.
Till 2022, Bolgar and Durov continued to debate plans to purchase a home, both in Geneva or in French cities near the Swiss border. Bolgar additionally seemed into properties in and round Paris, a few of which she visited and which they mentioned collectively, she stated.